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Grover Truck Kits & Fuel Pump
Truck Kits have been designed to secure various sizes and styles of drums to
the truck bed to prevent tipping and to protect the lubricants from dirt and
water. The covers have a thick, neoprene gasket cemented in place to seal the
top rim of the drum.

Although shown with pumps installed, the pumps must be ordered separately
as required.
  * click on photo for larger view
 1380BA  Rod Kit is a simple bar bracket with hold down
 rods for 120-lb. drum.
 1381BA  Rod Kit is the same as 1380BA except for a 400-lb.
 1480RTA  Truck Kit includes drum cover and hold down rods
 for a center bung or open top 120-lb. drum. It has a
 threaded 2" bung for oil pumps or thread mount
 chassis pumps. Use for Grover 8958 chassis pump
 & all oil pumps.
 1482RTA  Truck Kit includes heavy gauge drum cover and
 hold down rods for a center bung or open 400-lb
 drum. It has a threaded 2" bung for oil pumps or
 thread mount chassis pumps. Use for Grover 8958
 chassis pump and all oil pumps.
 1482RSTA   Truck Kit is designed with the pump mounting near
 the rim of the cover to fit "side bung" of a 55-gal. oil
 drum. Threaded 2" opening. Use for all Grover oil
 7660TA  Truck Kit same as 1480RTA 120-lb. above except
 with sleeve type 2" opening for slide mount chassis  pumps. Use Grover 7702 chassis pump.
 7842TA  Truck Kit same as 1482 RTA 400-lb. above with
 sleeve type 2" opening for slide mount chassis
 pumps. Use for Grover 7703 chassis pumps.
 9957  Drum Locators - 400 lb. drum.
    Grover Manufacturing Corporation  •  620 S. Vail Ave., Montebello, CA 90640
Tel: (323) 724-3444  •  Fax: (323) 724-3596  •  
Email: sales@grovermfg.com
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